Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Terra Linda Poolhouse Remodel Project

This project will renovate the Poolhouse.  We were not able to upgrade the locker, restroom and shower facilities when we re-built the pool, so the current facilities are aged and deteriorating. The project calls for us to renovate the restrooms, create a Family Restroom, replace the showers, dressing areas, storage areas classroom, and upgrade all the utilities.  The new project will be on the current building site.  We are not expanding beyond the original site footprint.

We reviewed the project by the Park and Recreation Commission in April of this year.  The attached notice was sent to the addresses within 500 ft. of the Pool.  We had one resident come to the Community Center to see the conceptual plans.  Three folks attended the Commission meeting.  Two represented the Orcas Swim Club with focus on the project impact on the pool schedule.  One resident inquired about the application of solar power for the building.

We plan to begin the work as soon as the pool closes for the current aquatics season in October.  It is a tight but do-able goal to have the work completed before the season begins in the Spring of 2015. 

I’ve attached the preliminary plans.  While development continues, only minor adjustments are expected before we go out to bid in August.  The City Council will take public comment on the project at the meeting they consider authorizing the project going to bid (probably July 21) and again when they are ready to award the bid (tentatively September 2).

If anyone in the community has questions, I am happy to speak with them and/or review the plans.

Carlene McCart, Director
San Rafael Community Services

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Beautify a Terra Linda Neighborhood on Saturday, June 28th!

Help clean up the easements behind Terra Linda Community Center on June 28th, 9am-noon!
Please see the website for more information: