We're sorry, the Eichler film screening will not happen on November 21st as previously announced. The showing will be re-scheduled for next year.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Safe Passage Along Lucas Valley Road Project Update
you can see
in the photos, Safe
Passage is an “6-year overnight” success! Giant leaps of
progress are being made daily in the construction of the pathway on
Lucas Valley Road between Las Gallinas and Los Gamos. All of the
curbing (below) was laid in a single day!
the project nears the home strech,
we anticipate two ribbon-cutting ceremonies! The County of Marin
will hold an event during the week, probably in the afternoon and
Safe Passage along Lucas Valley Road will schedule weekend
festivities for those who cannot attend during business hours. As
soon as we are able, we will let you know the time/date. Let us know
your ideas for the celebration!
If you are going to miss pulling broom, let us know!
A group
of our supporters wants to do more!
Next, we
are endorsing Lucas Valley Road as a California Scenic Highway! We
would like your support and will include you unless you ask to be
removed from our database. We expect this project to only take 2-3
years, so we will keep you up to date and offer ways for you to get
stated intent (Streets and Highway Code Section 260) of the
California Scenic Highway Program is to protect and
California's natural beauty and to protect the social and economic
values provided by the State's scenic
A scenic highway designation protects the scenic values of an era.
- Protect from encroachment of inappropriate land uses such as junkyards, dumps, rendering plants and gravel pits.
- Mitigate uses which detract from scenic values by proper siting, landscaping or screening.
- Prohibit billboards and regulate on-site signs so that they do not detract from scenic views.
- Make development more compatible with the environment by requiring building siting, height, colors and materials that are harmonious with the surroundings.
- Regulate grading to prevent erosion and cause minimal alteration of existing contours and to preserve important vegetative features along the highway.
- Protect the hillsides by allowing only low density development on steep slops and along ridge lines.
- Prevent the need for noise barriers (sound walls) by requiring a minimum setback for residential development adjacent to a scenic highway.
A scenic highway designation can enhance community identity and
pride, encouraging citizen commitment to preserving
community values.
By preserving scenic resources, a scenic highway designation will
enhance land values and make the area more
Friday, October 12, 2012
Shall we create a sign for our neighborhood?
Dear Neighbors,
Shall we create a sign for our neighborhood?
Many neighborhoods have signs that reflect the pride and character of the residents. Nearby is Mont Marin and their sign is shown in the attached photo. Gerstle Park has its own wooden signposts.
Let me know
- shall we have a sign?
- where would be a good place for it?
- should it hang on the fence at the gateway (Del Ganado and Freitas)?
- what should it be made of?
- who wants to work on getting it done?
I hope this finds you well, happy and at peace,
Carolyn Lenert
Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association
P.S. Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 17, 7-9pm, 620 Del Ganado Road. We will continue CREATING THE FUTURE WE WANT in discussion with members of Sustainable Marin and Sustainable San Rafael.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Dixie School District Outshines County Average on Standardized Testing
The California Department of Education released statewide results Friday. Compared to the rest of Marin County, Dixie School District performed higher than the average in most subjects, and San Rafael City Schools performed lower. By Nicole Ely and Jennifer van der Kleut - August 31, 2012
Results of STAR tests from schools across California were released Friday morning by the California Department of Education.
State Superintendent Tom Torlakson sent out a glowing statement, touting how statewide scores in math and English-language arts have risen for the ninth year in a row.
“In less than a decade, California has gone from having only one student in three score proficient, to better than one student in two,” Torlakson said. “That’s nearly 900,000 more students reaching proficiency now than in 2003 - a remarkable achievement that represents real, sustained improvements in learning.”
Torlakson said the achievement is even more noteworthy considering how badly California schools are struggling financially these days.
“Even more remarkable is the fact that our students continue to make gains even as our schools and the teachers, administrators and school employees working in them are getting by with so much less,” Torlakson said. “As pleased as I am by the great progress many students are making, the deep school budget cuts of recent years make it ever less likely these gains will continue.”
Results for 2012 rose 3 percentage points over last year in English-language arts, and 1 percentage point in mathematics. Since 2003, the scores have risen 22 points in English-language arts - or from 35 to 57 percent scoring “proficient” or “advanced" - and 16 percentage points in math, or from 35 to 51 percent.
However, Torlakson said, while the STAR results show an increase in proficiency levels among all subgroups, a “persistent achievement gap” exists for African American, Latino, English-learner and low-income students, compared to their peers.
“Like every teacher, parent, and principal, despite the decade of progress we’ve seen, I won’t be completely satisfied until every child has the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential,” Torlakson said.
But first, a little background.
“STAR” stands for Standardized Testing and Reporting.
The STAR tests consists of the following four components:
- “CST,” or California Standards Test
- “CMA,” or California Modified Assessment
- “CAPA,” or California Alternate Performance Assessment
- “STS,” or Standards-based Tests in Spanish
According to the Department of Education, the CSTs for English–language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and history–social science are administered only to students in California public schools. Except for a writing component that is administered as part of the fourth-grade and seventh-grade ELA tests, all questions are multiple-choice.
The CA DOE’s website explains, “These tests were developed specifically to assess students' knowledge of the California content standards. The State Board of Education adopted these standards, which specify what all children in California are expected to know and be able to do in each grade or course. “
CST scores are used for calculating each school's Academic Performance Index (API) and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) scores.
Information about the API and AYP is posted on the CA DOE’s Accountability Progress Reporting website at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ar/index.asp.
The Dixie Elementary School District performed better than the county average in all four major areas of study – English-language arts, history, mathematics, and the Science CST. However, San Rafael City Schools were behind the county average. See the average results for the district and the county below.
English-Language Arts (Grades 2-8):
San Rafael Elementary School District
- Students with scores: 2,862
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 31.1
Dixie Elementary
- Students with scores: 1,359
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 43.1
- Marin County students with scores: 16,229
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 39.1
History (Grades 8):
San Rafael Elementary School District
- Students with scores: 349
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 28.5
Dixie Elementary
- Students with scores: 200
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 41.0
- Marin County students with scores: 2,154
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 36.5
Mathematics (Grades 2-7):
San Rafael Elementary School District
- Students with scores: 2,534
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 31.9
Dixie Elementary
- Students with scores: 1,134
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 40.7
- Marin County students with scores: 13,989
- Marin percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 38.3
Science CST (Grades 5 and 8):
San Rafael Elementary School District
- Students with scores: 331
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 38.0
Dixie Elementary
- Students with scores: 359
- Average percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 44.0
- Marin County students with scores: 4,405
- Marin percent scoring ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’: 40.8
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
It's Wednesday, August 22 and here are your Best Bets and Newslets!
Voting. Have you studied the November 2012 CA Ballot? Do you understand each initiative dealing with tax revenues? MIC offers a forum with Anne Ryan, Project Assistant at CompassPoint, who will lead us in an educational, interactive review of the various ballot initiatives. Sponsored by Marin Interfaith Council. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e667f2wx6662ac87&llr=nmfrqxcab
Proposed statewide ban on plastic bags. Among other things, AB 298 would establish a statewide ban on plastic bags and a fee for paper bags. In addition, it would create standards for reusable bags, and an oversight agency to certify them. More information can be found here: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml;jsessionid=f6d66836af7026d45ba47bf278e1 Our City Council Sustainability Subcommittee sent in a letter of support. There is an expectation that this would be up for a full vote of the Assembly before recess at the end of August. If you wish to support this bill, please send a letter of support to: State Senator Julia Brownley, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0041
Your trusty washing machine- now hazardous to your health? an open letter from Cindy Sage, Principal of Sage Associates, an environmental consulting firm based in Santa Barbara reports: very disturbing- that appliances are already being fitted with transmitters to connect to the 'smart' grid via the 'home area network.' Huffman, Legislators Oppose Efforts to Weaken CEQA. SACRAMENTO - Assemblymember Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) and 32 other Assemblymembers and Senators are taking a stand against possible last-minute legislation to undermine California's most significant environmental protection law, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This 42-year old law has protected communities from pollution and allowed citizens to have a voice in decisions affecting their neighborhoods, public health, and quality of life. In a letter sent to Senate Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John Perez, Huffman and his colleagues urged the leaders to "oppose any proposal to create significant new exemptions or otherwise re-write CEQA in the days ahead." "The protections CEQA affords are too important to change without careful, thoughtful analysis and review by stakeholders, the public, and a full, deliberative legislative process," said Huffman in the letter. "We stand ready to work with you on thoughtful CEQA improvements." 4th Saturday Parks
Service Day: Hello Friends of San Rafael Volunteers, This Saturday is our next 4th Saturday Parks Service Day from 9am-noon. Hope to see you there! Saturday, August 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. Projects will include litter abatement, weed removal, and graffiti paint-outs along Mahon Path and Anderson Drive. Meet near Albert Park Tennis Courts on Lindaro.Further information can be found on the City of San Rafael Volunteers website at www.sanrafaelvolunteers.org.
SMART train horns and Quiet(er) Zones
http://www.marinij.com/novato/ci_21331814/smart-train-horn-issue-sounds-alarm-some-marin. This sound (noise) issue is a widespread problem affecting several thousands of people in our area. Also, the Civic Center area which is already very congested and further development will pose serious safety concerns in that area. Information on the station area plans is available at www.cityofsanrafael.org/stationareaplans. High density housing has been envisioned around the proposed civic center train station. If you have any questions, please go to www.CitizenMarin.org and http://quietandsafesanrafael.org/ or www.94903Community.org
Rights of Nature Training/Seminar! Hosted by the Women's Earth and Climate Caucus (WECC) www.iwecc.org September 7 - 8, 2012 Richmond Education/Advocacy from the frontlines locally and globally. Location: The Ventura Street Studio, 940 Ventura Street, Richmond, CA 94805 Seminar fee: $50.00 Bring lunch on Saturday or you may want to go to a Mexican, Thai or Vietnamese restaurant nearby. To register Contact: Jordan Vilchez@gmail.com or call her at 510-334-3697
Used cigarette butts turn into steel corrosion inhibitors. Research from a team of Chinese chemists finds a use for the untold number of http://arstechnica.com/science/2010/05/used-cigarette-butts-turn-into-steel-corrosion-inhibitors/
The Daffodil Lady Inspires: Cleanup of traffic islands at Montecillo x Frietas Kaiser Permanente San Rafael is pleased to announce the opening of our new Parking Structure which adds 309 parking spaces to make our members' visits more convenient and to help reduce the number of employee cars on the street. Next month, we begin construction on the new Emergency Department which will help ensure our patients continue to receive quality care and service. We would like to thank our neighbors for their patience and understanding while we work to improve our facilities. Details on 2012/3 constructions plans from Carol A. Harris, Community and Government Relations Manager, Phone: (415) 893-4069 Space Weather & the Coming Solar Storms: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/05/us-science-space-weather-idUSBRE87403W20120805?feedType=RSS&feedName=scienceNews&rpc=76
Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association Blog at http://smna-online.blogspot.com/ See Wine & Cheese photos and more!
ARTS Singing Lessons with experienced teacher available in San Rafael. Gentle and encouraging lessons focussing on good vocal technique, beginner music theory and fun!! Julia has been teaching voice and singing for 20 years, from singers on the stages of London's West End, to community choirs, jazz education, expressive arts therapists, lawyers and CEO's ..oh and clowns....lots of clowns. Julia is proud to be a teaching artist for the San Francisco Opera Guild, helping elementary school students write their own operas from scratch. She has also presented at expressive arts therapy conferences all over the U.S.A. Call 415-686-0682 for rates and availability and references. http://www.julianorton.com
Here's the article on the celebration of the recent success of Safe Passage Along Lucas Valley Road project: http://patch.com/A-wVjw See you at the 9/4, 2pm groundbreaking at Lucas Valley Road near Los Gamos!
The Facts on Water Fluoridation in Marin County.
The fluoride that is put into Marin County drinking water is hydrofluorosilicic acid. It is provided by a company called Lucier Chemicals. They get this hydrofluorosilicic acid from a company called Mosaic which is primarily owned by Cargill. The hydrofluorosilicic acid is a toxic waste byproduct from Cargill's and Mosaic's phosphate fertilizer manufacturing business. It has also been know to contain trace amounts of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, sulfates, radon and uranium. The use of this waste byproduct in our drinking water is a very cost efficient way for Cargill and Mosaic to dispose of their toxic waste. And we Marin County citizens are paying to have this put into our water. The reason given for putting fluoride into our water supply is because it is supposedly good for our children's teeth. Cavities are not contagious nor life threatening. The decision on whether or not to put something as controversial as fluoride into our bodies is the choice of the individual citizens. If anyone thinks that fluoride is healthy, then they should have the right to ingest it. However, it should not be forced upon those who do not think fluoride is healthy and do not want to consume it. Water fluoridation is actually mass medication (fluoride is listed as a drug by the FDA), without individual consent and without medical oversight and dosage control. This is illegal. The last time it was voted on was in 1972 and it barely passed, and the vote was tainted by political manipulation and deception. Dr John Lee, MD was chairman of the Environmental Health Committee at the time. He strongly advised against the fluoridation of our water and claimed "the pro-fluoridation literature was flimsy and deceptive." Furthermore, there has been a substantial amount of literature written since 1972 showing the dangers of fluoridation. If you would like more information on the dangers of water fluoridation, please refer to: www.fluoridealert.org To sign a petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/marin-county-california-board-of-supervisors-discontinue-fluoridating-the-water-in-marin-county-california Update on Tetanus! http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nbc-news/48433572#48427864
On the Watch for West Nile Virus
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48451902/ns/health-infectious_diseases/ 41 deaths nationwide this year. Dead birds should be reported to (800) 231-3236. The out of date county website is http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/HH/Main/hs/PublicHealth/WNV/WNV.cfm
EXCELLENT short video by Canadian researcher Dr. Magda Havas. Don't we wish that everyelected/appointed official and journalist understood this critical concept about science!? The 57 California cities and counties that either banned or called for a halt to SmartMeter installation listened to their constituents on this matter and understood reason for precaution. Video: "Science 101: Cherry Picking and Black Swans:" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyzZX-bCiqs Article: http://www.magdahavas.com/science-101-cherry-picking-black-swans/ The Maine Supreme Court gets it, and we will see, in due time, if the Maine PUC gets it. Commissioners have agreed to an evaluation of SmartMeter health and safety questions: http://www.pressherald.com/news/Ruling-on-smart-meters-wont-come-until-2013.html Thousands of "black swans" are the basis for this petition you might like to sign and pass on: Petition: 3) New Kaiser study shows link between EMF exposure in the womb and childhood obesity: http://microwavenews.com/news-center/emf-exposures-womb-can-lead-childhood-obesity 4) Dennis Kucinich has introduced Right-To-Know cell phone radiation legislation: http://www.prlog.org/11943091-big-week-for-cell-phone-radiation-legislation.html And, just another reminder that the EMF Safety Network is bringing suit against the California Public Utilities Commission "for failing to address serious Smart Meter issues, including health and safety impacts, and FCC compliance." You can help at http://emfsafetynetwork.org/?page_id=2127 Also see: Video: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/science/july-dec12/meters_07-20.html
My Plastic-Free Life!
Think we can't live without plastic? Think again. In 2007 I committed to stop buying any new plastic & I've almost succeeded! Won't you join me? Let's see what plastic-free looks like in 2012... for the health of our bodies, our oceans, our planet. ~Beth Terry http://myplasticfreelife.com/2012/08/coloring-hair-with-henna-non-toxic-and-almost-plastic-free/comment-page-1/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_content=783573&utm_campaign=On-Demand_2012-08-10%2015%3A17
LGVSD's New Recycled Water Facility.
Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 1:30PM. Help us celebrate "Taking the Waste Out of Water" as we dedicate the launch of the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Recycled Water Facility. By producing advanced treated recycled water and using it for landscape irrigation and industrial purposes, we are able to save more of our precious drinking water for other important uses.
Marin County Open Space Thanks You. This is your invitation to join us for the Annual Volunteer Recognition Picnic at McNear's Beach Park on Saturday, September 8th at South Shore picnic area from 11am-2pm. Please RSVP by Tuesday, September 4th to GREZA@MARINCOUNTY.ORG Park admission is waived for participants. Please join us whether you volunteer regularly or simply want to find out how to get more involved. It is a family-friendly event so bring the family for a day of fun in the sun. We will have a jumpy toy and snow cones for kids. We are handing out volunteer T-shirts with our new logo and Belladonna bulbs collected by volunteers from Open Space. Heartwood Awards will be awarded to a few volunteers whom have been exceptional in 2012. Please stand up, be recognized and celebrate with the best citizens in Marin.
Park Service Day Saturday, August 25. MAHON PATH LITTER & GRAFFITI CLEANUP 9am - noon Meet at the corner of Andersen and Lindaro at the entry to the Path Park along Lindaro near the tennis courts or on Jordan Street across from them Bring gloves, water bottle, and wear closed-toed shoes If you have long pole paint rollers, please bring them as well We'll be focusing on litter pickup, and graffiti removal. For more information contact Cory Bytof (415) 485-3407 Projects will include litter abatement, weed removal, and graffiti paint-outs along Mahon Path and Anderson Drive. Further information can be found on our website at http://www.sanrafaelvolunteers.org/ Co-hosted by the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and Diego Bros, Inc. Living with Wildlife, a Photography Contest/Benefit for Wildcare! $500 prize! http://www.wildcarebayarea.org/site/PageServer?pagename=About_EventsandNews_PhotoContest
Affordable Housing. Please see the attached survey with the County DESIGN of affordable housing - ie.. they are asking for the public to VOTE their inputs and if we don't participate, we are not heard. NOTE; THIS IS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF OUR COUNTY HIGH DENSITY HOUSING AND MIXED USE DESIGNS- BUT THAT INCLUDES SANTA VENETIA IN OUR BACKYARDS AND THE FARMERS MARKET BUILDING KITTY CORNER TO THE CIVIC CENTER NEAR SANTA VENETIA MARKET. (to name a few, there are many, many sites planned for consideration across the county, 72% of which are in Lucas Valley with just 2% of the population. Here is the link to the upcoming workshops they are having on this same subject. I think we need to submit written comment/letter etc. Link to materials is here: http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/Main/comdev/CURRENT/multi-family_guidelines.cfm
Fire Threats. Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being elevated to 3. Initial attack and large fire activity is increasing or expected to increase in many geographical areas due to predicted weather and current fuels conditions. There are currently (7) each T2 IMT's, (1) each Type T1 IMT and a NIMO assigned to incidents in the 3 geographical areas. There is a significant commitment of national resources with additional support being ordered through NICC. The CA Joint Inc. Briefing Report is attached along with the current Statewide Fire Map. http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome?contentid=2012/07/0225.xml&contentidonly=true Predictive Services unit produces fire weather, fire danger, and fire potential reports: National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook Executive Summary http://www.predictiveservices.nifc.gov/outlooks/Monthly_ExecSum.pdf National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook http://www.predictiveservices.nifc.gov/outlooks/monthly_seasonal_outlook.pdf Northern California Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook http://gacc.nifc.gov/oncc/predictive/outlooks/seasonal_outlook.pdf Southern California Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook http://gacc.nifc.gov/oscc/predictive/outlooks/myfiles/assessment.pdf Also, please accept the following link to review the 2012 Summer Edition of Two More Chains http://wildfirelessons.net/documents/Two_More_Chains_Summer_2012.pdf Please ensure and maintain personal, apparatus and equipment readiness. Be safe.
San Rafael Fire Chief Gray Police Academy Sign Ups. San Rafael Police are accepting applications for the new session of Citizen Police Academy which starts on Wednesday, September 12, and runs for 10 weeks. The Citizen Police Academy provides community members with an inside look at local law enforcement and is designed to provide an overview of the Police Department's function and operational procedures. Each week students are introduced to a wide range of topics and learn about different areas of police work such as such as SWAT, CSI, Detectives, Gangs/Drugs/Vice and much more. Also included in the program is the opportunity to go on a ride-a-long with a uniformed patrol officer, a ride-a-long on the patrol boat Mission City, and a trip to the shooting range with a SRPD Firearms Instructor. This program has received excellent reviews from your fellow city residents. There is no cost to attend. Click here for more information http://www.srpd.org/beinvolved/citizenacademy.shtml
Previews and Reviews. a wrap up - of the last Board of Supervisors meeting posted every Thursday provides a list of selected highlights from the Board agenda, and is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the entire agenda. Please check out the Cyberagenda for copies of these reports and others. You can subscribe to Board Actions and Issues for County of Marin. This information has recently been updated, and is now available at http://www.marincounty.org/Home/Main/Board%20Actions Keep Marin Marin. County employees have sponsored a great website. Learn more about the Marin County Public Health Lab and sign the petition! www.KeepMarinMarin.org Supervisor Susan Adams Newsletter. August 2012.pdf
The Story of Change by Annie Leonard, a short film http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/the-story-of-change-by-annie-leonard?utm_source=jul12&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=titleStoryChange
City of San Rafael Manager: You may subscribe to the City Manager's newsletter "Snapshot" at http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/enotify/.
Water Costs Skyrocketing. Marin Municipal Water District is in the process of reviewing their rate structure. Their committee has come out with 2 reports; one which keeps things status quo--the more you use, the more you pay, regardless of where you live. The Minority Report asks for a variable rate structure based on microclimate, size of property and other factors. Recycled water for landscaping use may also be possible for our area. Write your Board: MMWD Board of Directors, 220 Nellen Ave., Corte Madera, CA 94925 Cynthia Koehler, President ckoehler@marinwater.org; Jack Gibson yojcg@marinwater.org; Armando Quintero aquintero@marinwater.org; David Behar dbehar@marinwater.org; Larry Russell lrussell@marinwater.org
MCE Marin Clean Energy: Update & Discussion. An update on MCE seems timely as we appear closer and closer to a crisis on the planet. MCE may be the change we have been waiting for... yet concerns regarding costs and credibility linger. Panel members will include: Jamie Tuckey, Communication Director with MCE, Gene Dyer, engineer; Charles Auerbach former mayor of Belvedere; Larry Bragman Fairfax City Council will moderate the discussion. Though we encourage free speech and full participation, courtesy and thoughtful expression are essential for a successful evening. Monday, August 27, 6:15 for Pot-luck, 7:15 for Presentation, contact 388-2821 for additional info First United Methodist Church, basement, 9 Ross Valley Rd at 4th Street, San Rafael (along the Miracle Mile)
FUN FUNDRAISER! Bocce Invitational to benefit WARM WISHES HOMELESS HOLIDAY BACKPACK PROJECT! Warm Wishes began 19 years ago when Bill Hamm, Founder, gave a homeless man in San Francisco his pair of leather gloves on a very cold winter night. The man's gratitude touched Bill so much that it gave Bill the inspiration to create Warm Wishes. Warm Wishes provides backpacks (Street packs) with gloves, a knit cap, a warm scarf, a pair of thermal socks and rain poncho to homeless men, women, teens and children throughout the Bay Area! A holiday card, made by local Bay Area children, is tucked inside each backpack. This year 5,000 backpacks will be assembled and distributed on December 1th to 25 local agencies and on the street! If you are interested in donating time, money or provide a sponsorship for this program, please contact MarinLink. Currently collecting items for our silent auction.
WHERE: Marin Bocce Federation, 550 B Street, San Rafael, COST: $65/person/$250 team of 4 Bill Hamm was the recipient of the Jefferson Award in 2007. This prestigious award is administered by the American Institute for Public Service. Street Pack Assembly day: Saturday, December 1st at Unity In Marin.9:00AM Bring your family and friends.
Voting. Have you studied the November 2012 CA Ballot? Do you understand each initiative dealing with tax revenues? MIC offers a forum with Anne Ryan, Project Assistant at CompassPoint, who will lead us in an educational, interactive review of the various ballot initiatives. Sponsored by Marin Interfaith Council. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e667f2wx6662ac87&llr=nmfrqxcab
Proposed statewide ban on plastic bags. Among other things, AB 298 would establish a statewide ban on plastic bags and a fee for paper bags. In addition, it would create standards for reusable bags, and an oversight agency to certify them. More information can be found here: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml;jsessionid=f6d66836af7026d45ba47bf278e1 Our City Council Sustainability Subcommittee sent in a letter of support. There is an expectation that this would be up for a full vote of the Assembly before recess at the end of August. If you wish to support this bill, please send a letter of support to: State Senator Julia Brownley, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0041
Your trusty washing machine- now hazardous to your health? an open letter from Cindy Sage, Principal of Sage Associates, an environmental consulting firm based in Santa Barbara reports: very disturbing- that appliances are already being fitted with transmitters to connect to the 'smart' grid via the 'home area network.' Huffman, Legislators Oppose Efforts to Weaken CEQA. SACRAMENTO - Assemblymember Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) and 32 other Assemblymembers and Senators are taking a stand against possible last-minute legislation to undermine California's most significant environmental protection law, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This 42-year old law has protected communities from pollution and allowed citizens to have a voice in decisions affecting their neighborhoods, public health, and quality of life. In a letter sent to Senate Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John Perez, Huffman and his colleagues urged the leaders to "oppose any proposal to create significant new exemptions or otherwise re-write CEQA in the days ahead." "The protections CEQA affords are too important to change without careful, thoughtful analysis and review by stakeholders, the public, and a full, deliberative legislative process," said Huffman in the letter. "We stand ready to work with you on thoughtful CEQA improvements." 4th Saturday Parks
Service Day: Hello Friends of San Rafael Volunteers, This Saturday is our next 4th Saturday Parks Service Day from 9am-noon. Hope to see you there! Saturday, August 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. Projects will include litter abatement, weed removal, and graffiti paint-outs along Mahon Path and Anderson Drive. Meet near Albert Park Tennis Courts on Lindaro.Further information can be found on the City of San Rafael Volunteers website at www.sanrafaelvolunteers.org.
SMART train horns and Quiet(er) Zones
http://www.marinij.com/novato/ci_21331814/smart-train-horn-issue-sounds-alarm-some-marin. This sound (noise) issue is a widespread problem affecting several thousands of people in our area. Also, the Civic Center area which is already very congested and further development will pose serious safety concerns in that area. Information on the station area plans is available at www.cityofsanrafael.org/stationareaplans. High density housing has been envisioned around the proposed civic center train station. If you have any questions, please go to www.CitizenMarin.org and http://quietandsafesanrafael.org/ or www.94903Community.org
Rights of Nature Training/Seminar! Hosted by the Women's Earth and Climate Caucus (WECC) www.iwecc.org September 7 - 8, 2012 Richmond Education/Advocacy from the frontlines locally and globally. Location: The Ventura Street Studio, 940 Ventura Street, Richmond, CA 94805 Seminar fee: $50.00 Bring lunch on Saturday or you may want to go to a Mexican, Thai or Vietnamese restaurant nearby. To register Contact: Jordan Vilchez@gmail.com or call her at 510-334-3697
Used cigarette butts turn into steel corrosion inhibitors. Research from a team of Chinese chemists finds a use for the untold number of http://arstechnica.com/science/2010/05/used-cigarette-butts-turn-into-steel-corrosion-inhibitors/
The Daffodil Lady Inspires: Cleanup of traffic islands at Montecillo x Frietas Kaiser Permanente San Rafael is pleased to announce the opening of our new Parking Structure which adds 309 parking spaces to make our members' visits more convenient and to help reduce the number of employee cars on the street. Next month, we begin construction on the new Emergency Department which will help ensure our patients continue to receive quality care and service. We would like to thank our neighbors for their patience and understanding while we work to improve our facilities. Details on 2012/3 constructions plans from Carol A. Harris, Community and Government Relations Manager, Phone: (415) 893-4069 Space Weather & the Coming Solar Storms: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/05/us-science-space-weather-idUSBRE87403W20120805?feedType=RSS&feedName=scienceNews&rpc=76
Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association Blog at http://smna-online.blogspot.com/ See Wine & Cheese photos and more!
ARTS Singing Lessons with experienced teacher available in San Rafael. Gentle and encouraging lessons focussing on good vocal technique, beginner music theory and fun!! Julia has been teaching voice and singing for 20 years, from singers on the stages of London's West End, to community choirs, jazz education, expressive arts therapists, lawyers and CEO's ..oh and clowns....lots of clowns. Julia is proud to be a teaching artist for the San Francisco Opera Guild, helping elementary school students write their own operas from scratch. She has also presented at expressive arts therapy conferences all over the U.S.A. Call 415-686-0682 for rates and availability and references. http://www.julianorton.com
Here's the article on the celebration of the recent success of Safe Passage Along Lucas Valley Road project: http://patch.com/A-wVjw See you at the 9/4, 2pm groundbreaking at Lucas Valley Road near Los Gamos!
The Facts on Water Fluoridation in Marin County.
The fluoride that is put into Marin County drinking water is hydrofluorosilicic acid. It is provided by a company called Lucier Chemicals. They get this hydrofluorosilicic acid from a company called Mosaic which is primarily owned by Cargill. The hydrofluorosilicic acid is a toxic waste byproduct from Cargill's and Mosaic's phosphate fertilizer manufacturing business. It has also been know to contain trace amounts of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, sulfates, radon and uranium. The use of this waste byproduct in our drinking water is a very cost efficient way for Cargill and Mosaic to dispose of their toxic waste. And we Marin County citizens are paying to have this put into our water. The reason given for putting fluoride into our water supply is because it is supposedly good for our children's teeth. Cavities are not contagious nor life threatening. The decision on whether or not to put something as controversial as fluoride into our bodies is the choice of the individual citizens. If anyone thinks that fluoride is healthy, then they should have the right to ingest it. However, it should not be forced upon those who do not think fluoride is healthy and do not want to consume it. Water fluoridation is actually mass medication (fluoride is listed as a drug by the FDA), without individual consent and without medical oversight and dosage control. This is illegal. The last time it was voted on was in 1972 and it barely passed, and the vote was tainted by political manipulation and deception. Dr John Lee, MD was chairman of the Environmental Health Committee at the time. He strongly advised against the fluoridation of our water and claimed "the pro-fluoridation literature was flimsy and deceptive." Furthermore, there has been a substantial amount of literature written since 1972 showing the dangers of fluoridation. If you would like more information on the dangers of water fluoridation, please refer to: www.fluoridealert.org To sign a petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/marin-county-california-board-of-supervisors-discontinue-fluoridating-the-water-in-marin-county-california Update on Tetanus! http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nbc-news/48433572#48427864
On the Watch for West Nile Virus
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48451902/ns/health-infectious_diseases/ 41 deaths nationwide this year. Dead birds should be reported to (800) 231-3236. The out of date county website is http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/HH/Main/hs/PublicHealth/WNV/WNV.cfm
EXCELLENT short video by Canadian researcher Dr. Magda Havas. Don't we wish that everyelected/appointed official and journalist understood this critical concept about science!? The 57 California cities and counties that either banned or called for a halt to SmartMeter installation listened to their constituents on this matter and understood reason for precaution. Video: "Science 101: Cherry Picking and Black Swans:" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyzZX-bCiqs Article: http://www.magdahavas.com/science-101-cherry-picking-black-swans/ The Maine Supreme Court gets it, and we will see, in due time, if the Maine PUC gets it. Commissioners have agreed to an evaluation of SmartMeter health and safety questions: http://www.pressherald.com/news/Ruling-on-smart-meters-wont-come-until-2013.html Thousands of "black swans" are the basis for this petition you might like to sign and pass on: Petition: 3) New Kaiser study shows link between EMF exposure in the womb and childhood obesity: http://microwavenews.com/news-center/emf-exposures-womb-can-lead-childhood-obesity 4) Dennis Kucinich has introduced Right-To-Know cell phone radiation legislation: http://www.prlog.org/11943091-big-week-for-cell-phone-radiation-legislation.html And, just another reminder that the EMF Safety Network is bringing suit against the California Public Utilities Commission "for failing to address serious Smart Meter issues, including health and safety impacts, and FCC compliance." You can help at http://emfsafetynetwork.org/?page_id=2127 Also see: Video: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/science/july-dec12/meters_07-20.html
My Plastic-Free Life!
Think we can't live without plastic? Think again. In 2007 I committed to stop buying any new plastic & I've almost succeeded! Won't you join me? Let's see what plastic-free looks like in 2012... for the health of our bodies, our oceans, our planet. ~Beth Terry http://myplasticfreelife.com/2012/08/coloring-hair-with-henna-non-toxic-and-almost-plastic-free/comment-page-1/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzEmail&utm_content=783573&utm_campaign=On-Demand_2012-08-10%2015%3A17
LGVSD's New Recycled Water Facility.
Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 1:30PM. Help us celebrate "Taking the Waste Out of Water" as we dedicate the launch of the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Recycled Water Facility. By producing advanced treated recycled water and using it for landscape irrigation and industrial purposes, we are able to save more of our precious drinking water for other important uses.
Marin County Open Space Thanks You. This is your invitation to join us for the Annual Volunteer Recognition Picnic at McNear's Beach Park on Saturday, September 8th at South Shore picnic area from 11am-2pm. Please RSVP by Tuesday, September 4th to GREZA@MARINCOUNTY.ORG Park admission is waived for participants. Please join us whether you volunteer regularly or simply want to find out how to get more involved. It is a family-friendly event so bring the family for a day of fun in the sun. We will have a jumpy toy and snow cones for kids. We are handing out volunteer T-shirts with our new logo and Belladonna bulbs collected by volunteers from Open Space. Heartwood Awards will be awarded to a few volunteers whom have been exceptional in 2012. Please stand up, be recognized and celebrate with the best citizens in Marin.
Park Service Day Saturday, August 25. MAHON PATH LITTER & GRAFFITI CLEANUP 9am - noon Meet at the corner of Andersen and Lindaro at the entry to the Path Park along Lindaro near the tennis courts or on Jordan Street across from them Bring gloves, water bottle, and wear closed-toed shoes If you have long pole paint rollers, please bring them as well We'll be focusing on litter pickup, and graffiti removal. For more information contact Cory Bytof (415) 485-3407 Projects will include litter abatement, weed removal, and graffiti paint-outs along Mahon Path and Anderson Drive. Further information can be found on our website at http://www.sanrafaelvolunteers.org/ Co-hosted by the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and Diego Bros, Inc. Living with Wildlife, a Photography Contest/Benefit for Wildcare! $500 prize! http://www.wildcarebayarea.org/site/PageServer?pagename=About_EventsandNews_PhotoContest
Affordable Housing. Please see the attached survey with the County DESIGN of affordable housing - ie.. they are asking for the public to VOTE their inputs and if we don't participate, we are not heard. NOTE; THIS IS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF OUR COUNTY HIGH DENSITY HOUSING AND MIXED USE DESIGNS- BUT THAT INCLUDES SANTA VENETIA IN OUR BACKYARDS AND THE FARMERS MARKET BUILDING KITTY CORNER TO THE CIVIC CENTER NEAR SANTA VENETIA MARKET. (to name a few, there are many, many sites planned for consideration across the county, 72% of which are in Lucas Valley with just 2% of the population. Here is the link to the upcoming workshops they are having on this same subject. I think we need to submit written comment/letter etc. Link to materials is here: http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/CD/Main/comdev/CURRENT/multi-family_guidelines.cfm
Fire Threats. Effective immediately the National Preparedness Level is being elevated to 3. Initial attack and large fire activity is increasing or expected to increase in many geographical areas due to predicted weather and current fuels conditions. There are currently (7) each T2 IMT's, (1) each Type T1 IMT and a NIMO assigned to incidents in the 3 geographical areas. There is a significant commitment of national resources with additional support being ordered through NICC. The CA Joint Inc. Briefing Report is attached along with the current Statewide Fire Map. http://www.usda.gov/wps/portal/usda/usdahome?contentid=2012/07/0225.xml&contentidonly=true Predictive Services unit produces fire weather, fire danger, and fire potential reports: National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook Executive Summary http://www.predictiveservices.nifc.gov/outlooks/Monthly_ExecSum.pdf National Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook http://www.predictiveservices.nifc.gov/outlooks/monthly_seasonal_outlook.pdf Northern California Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook http://gacc.nifc.gov/oncc/predictive/outlooks/seasonal_outlook.pdf Southern California Wildland Significant Fire Potential Outlook http://gacc.nifc.gov/oscc/predictive/outlooks/myfiles/assessment.pdf Also, please accept the following link to review the 2012 Summer Edition of Two More Chains http://wildfirelessons.net/documents/Two_More_Chains_Summer_2012.pdf Please ensure and maintain personal, apparatus and equipment readiness. Be safe.
San Rafael Fire Chief Gray Police Academy Sign Ups. San Rafael Police are accepting applications for the new session of Citizen Police Academy which starts on Wednesday, September 12, and runs for 10 weeks. The Citizen Police Academy provides community members with an inside look at local law enforcement and is designed to provide an overview of the Police Department's function and operational procedures. Each week students are introduced to a wide range of topics and learn about different areas of police work such as such as SWAT, CSI, Detectives, Gangs/Drugs/Vice and much more. Also included in the program is the opportunity to go on a ride-a-long with a uniformed patrol officer, a ride-a-long on the patrol boat Mission City, and a trip to the shooting range with a SRPD Firearms Instructor. This program has received excellent reviews from your fellow city residents. There is no cost to attend. Click here for more information http://www.srpd.org/beinvolved/citizenacademy.shtml
Previews and Reviews. a wrap up - of the last Board of Supervisors meeting posted every Thursday provides a list of selected highlights from the Board agenda, and is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the entire agenda. Please check out the Cyberagenda for copies of these reports and others. You can subscribe to Board Actions and Issues for County of Marin. This information has recently been updated, and is now available at http://www.marincounty.org/Home/Main/Board%20Actions Keep Marin Marin. County employees have sponsored a great website. Learn more about the Marin County Public Health Lab and sign the petition! www.KeepMarinMarin.org Supervisor Susan Adams Newsletter. August 2012.pdf
The Story of Change by Annie Leonard, a short film http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/the-story-of-change-by-annie-leonard?utm_source=jul12&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=titleStoryChange
City of San Rafael Manager: You may subscribe to the City Manager's newsletter "Snapshot" at http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/enotify/.
Water Costs Skyrocketing. Marin Municipal Water District is in the process of reviewing their rate structure. Their committee has come out with 2 reports; one which keeps things status quo--the more you use, the more you pay, regardless of where you live. The Minority Report asks for a variable rate structure based on microclimate, size of property and other factors. Recycled water for landscaping use may also be possible for our area. Write your Board: MMWD Board of Directors, 220 Nellen Ave., Corte Madera, CA 94925 Cynthia Koehler, President ckoehler@marinwater.org; Jack Gibson yojcg@marinwater.org; Armando Quintero aquintero@marinwater.org; David Behar dbehar@marinwater.org; Larry Russell lrussell@marinwater.org
MCE Marin Clean Energy: Update & Discussion. An update on MCE seems timely as we appear closer and closer to a crisis on the planet. MCE may be the change we have been waiting for... yet concerns regarding costs and credibility linger. Panel members will include: Jamie Tuckey, Communication Director with MCE, Gene Dyer, engineer; Charles Auerbach former mayor of Belvedere; Larry Bragman Fairfax City Council will moderate the discussion. Though we encourage free speech and full participation, courtesy and thoughtful expression are essential for a successful evening. Monday, August 27, 6:15 for Pot-luck, 7:15 for Presentation, contact 388-2821 for additional info First United Methodist Church, basement, 9 Ross Valley Rd at 4th Street, San Rafael (along the Miracle Mile)
FUN FUNDRAISER! Bocce Invitational to benefit WARM WISHES HOMELESS HOLIDAY BACKPACK PROJECT! Warm Wishes began 19 years ago when Bill Hamm, Founder, gave a homeless man in San Francisco his pair of leather gloves on a very cold winter night. The man's gratitude touched Bill so much that it gave Bill the inspiration to create Warm Wishes. Warm Wishes provides backpacks (Street packs) with gloves, a knit cap, a warm scarf, a pair of thermal socks and rain poncho to homeless men, women, teens and children throughout the Bay Area! A holiday card, made by local Bay Area children, is tucked inside each backpack. This year 5,000 backpacks will be assembled and distributed on December 1th to 25 local agencies and on the street! If you are interested in donating time, money or provide a sponsorship for this program, please contact MarinLink. Currently collecting items for our silent auction.
WHERE: Marin Bocce Federation, 550 B Street, San Rafael, COST: $65/person/$250 team of 4 Bill Hamm was the recipient of the Jefferson Award in 2007. This prestigious award is administered by the American Institute for Public Service. Street Pack Assembly day: Saturday, December 1st at Unity In Marin.9:00AM Bring your family and friends.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Cleanup of traffic islands at Montecillo x Frietas
Here are photos of the recent mini-cleanup of the traffic islands at Montecillo x Freitas. Goldie Magee, The Daffodil Lady and Carolyn Lenert made short work of it with the crucial assistance of photographer/all-around Great Guy, Ray Lorber.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
FOLLOW THE MONEY: Latest City Budget Proposal
Neighborhood Leaders:
Budget Prioritization Worksheet
City Budget Update
I am reaching out to you today on this very important issues that affects ALL of our neighborhoods.
I am asking that you forward the message below to your networks and that we work together on this issue and that we come together and speak as one voice to the City Council to be most effective.
I would like to thank everyone for the dedication and constant work in protecting our City and our Residents.
It is only together that we can make a difference.
Samantha Sargent
Dear San Rafael Residents,
During a Study Session with the City Council the City Manager was instructed to cut approximately $1 million in spending, rather than continuing to borrow it from the employee healthcare fund as they have been doing for the last few years.
The following budget is being proposed:
This budget is too heavily weighted with cuts to Fire and Police, not to mention Public Works.
Police Department expenses are approximately 22% of our annual budget, yet their part of the latest cuts is 35% of what is being cut. The Fire Department is approximately 18% of the current budget, yet they are being asked to shoulder 26% of the proposed cuts.
Overall Cuts to Public Safety are over 50% of the proposed cuts. This isn't even an "across the board" approach.
With a further reduction in number of sworn officers by eliminating our Street Crimes Unit this means our law enforcement will be, self admittedly, reactive only. No more prevention and a drastic reduction in their efforts around Community Policing.
How will we ever protect the northern part of the city that has experienced increased thefts, get our downtown back that has seen a dramatic increase in violent crimes and protect the families in the Canal area who already struggle with an over abundance of crime present in their community?
Please let the City Council know your feelings on the issue.
I urge everyone to:
1) fill in the attached budget priorities spread sheet (that was issued to the Council but NOT the people) and send it to the city clerk Esther Beirne esther.beirne@cityofsanrafael.org
2) call, write or join me in attending our City Council MONDAY'S (June 4th) Council Meeting at 8pm.
We need to let the City Council know what WE feel is best for our communities and make sure they aren't making decisions on our behalf in a vacuum.
Thank you very much for your time and attention and please do not hesitate to call or email me.
It is only together that we can make a difference.
Samantha Sargent
Info for contacting the City Council: http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/council-home/
Budget Prioritization Worksheet
City Budget Update
Monday, May 21, 2012
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