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01/19/11, 7-9pm PERSONAL & PROPERTY SAFETY with San Rafael Police Department. Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association Invites You to become more aware and informed and catch up with your neighbors!! FREE. Location: 620 Del Ganado Road, Room 6, San Rafael, CA 94903.
01/21/11 - 03/12/11 "CAN DO" - A Multi-Media Exhibition. From the "Edge" Artists' Group. Exhibition Dates: January 21 - March 12, 2011. Opening Reception: Friday, January 21st, 5:30 - 7:30 pm. In this inventive exhibit, the artists literally make artworks from cans, or reference "can" in some way, while drawing attention to issues of waste and recycling. The artists typically work in varying mediums, but this time the can constraint led to divergent artworks which are whimsical as well as thought provoking. Expect to discover how many interpretations are possible for one concept, in Can Do. And Do Not Miss the Can Do "Bus"!
01/25/11 - 7pm "APPEAL OF PROPOSED ROOF MODIFICATION at 774 Del Ganado Road" under the Eichler Zoning Overlay. Objections to proposed plan will be heard, discussed and decided by the Planning Commission. Please plan to attend this important event about your planned community. City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901. Carolyn Lenert will be presenting. CarolynLenert@msn.com or 499-9234.
02/16/11, 7-9pm TIME TO TALK! Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association Invites You! Based on the practice of good, effective conversation, this evening we'll examine how you can use conversation and community to advance your vision of cultural change. Among other things, we'll explore Jeremy Rifkin's idea of the empathic civilization, the new gross national happiness movement, and ongoing efforts for wealth equality. The presenter is Cecile Andrews, author of Circle of Simplicity, Slow is Beautiful, and Less is More. FREE. Location: 620 Del Ganado Road, Room 6, San Rafael, CA 94903.
02/15/11 DEADLINE FOR 2011 Spring Juried Exhibition - Call for Entries. Open to all Marin and Bay Area Artists; Juror: Virginia Breier, Virginia Breier Gallery. deadline to submit: February 15th. Exhibition Dates: March 25- May 28, 2011. Opening Reception: March 25th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Entry form online at the Falkirk web site, http://falkirkculturalcenter.org/PDF/Juried%202011EntryForm.pdf Or contact beth.goldberg@cityofsanrafael.org, 485-3328. Falkirk's 2011 Annual Juried Exhibition presents work by artists throughout the Bay Area, as well as Marin County. Artwork in a variety of media, including painting, drawing, photography, printmaking and sculpture, is included in this popular annual exhibition.
03/07/11, 1-3pm REMEMBERANCE WRITING 101 WORKSHOP with Claudia Carroll. Marin Osher Jewish Community Center 150 San Pedro Road, San Rafael Monday, March 7, 1-3 P.M.: an intro presentation: $5 From there, a signup sheet will be available for a six week workshop, Mondays, March 14-April 18, 1-3 P.M. at the Center. This is not Jewish history-oriented, but open to all. The cost was set by the program director, at $60 for the six week workshop, payable to MJCC. ! © Claudia Carroll cjcarrollbooks@yahoo.com
GRAFFITI Now there are three NEW ways to report graffiti and litter issues in the community: Telephone, Quick-Form and Email. Either way you report it, make sure to include as much information as possible: location, type of issue, colors, tag name and upload a picture, possible.
1. Telephone: Call 800.311.1493 - use this number to report all graffiti: simply say the name of the agency you believe is responsible: City of San Rafael, ATT, Comcast, or PGE and you will be forwarded to the correct voicemail. If you don't know who should get the call, just say "graffiti", leave all the location details and your return number and we will take it from there.
2. Quick-Form - if you really care about making sure we know about the graffiti, then you can add it on our new interactive map. Simply type in all of the details and we will receive time-stamped alerts. This enables you to track completion from the comfort of your own computer! www.srTaskForce.org
3. Email: Send all of the details to info@SRtaskForce.org
WANTED: $1280 2+ bedroom/1.5+ bath Home, Townhouse, Cottage or Duplex (Terra Linda (West) Mature female, pet/child/substance free with excellent references. Kind, Clean, Quiet, Considerate, Conscious and Responsible...Inviting extremely quiet, clean, carpeted sanctuary with natural light, abundant closet-storage space, efficient furnace/AC, good water pressure/temperature, harmonious neighbors and kindly owner/manager. Indefinite lease or long term housesit/sublet (6 - 12 months) situation ~~ No houseshare, common walls or ceilings (will consider upper unit if structure is well insulated/quiet). Prefer $1280 monthly rent tho welcome creative financial terms if space is worth more, including professional services trade: business success coach; visionary/strategic consultant; clarity coach, professional organizer/Feng Shui advisor; writer/editor specializing in books, web content, marketing materials, correspondence, templates and policy manuals; project catalyst/manager; design and implement networking/marketing campaigns; identify and cultivate client, contract, capital, candidate, conference and media leads; recruiter/HR Consultant; client/product rep; marketing maven; branding/PR Specialist; certified mediator/meeting facilitator; Please reply if you have - or know of - a lease or long term sublet/housesit opportunity. Happy holidays and New Year! HSeelig@pacbell.net
TEMPERATURE RISING: A Scientist, His Work and a Climate Reckoning By JUSTIN GILLIS; Published: December 21, 2010; http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/22/science/earth/22carbon.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=a2 "As he watches these difficulties, Ralph Keeling contemplates the unbending math of carbon dioxide emissions first documented by his father more than a half-century ago and wonders about the future effects of that increase.
FROM JARED HUFFMAN representing the 6th Assembly in Sacramento: Happy Holidays! The past year was difficult for all of us, with the economy recovering more slowly than I had hoped and California's fiscal and governance problems continuing. The year ahead will be filled with challenges, but I believe it will also be the beginning of California's comeback. For now, the holiday break is a welcome opportunity to draw strength and inspiration from family, friends, and faith. As I begin my fifth year of representing the North Bay in the Assembly, I want to share with you one of the things about this district that energizes and inspires me: our small business pioneers who are not only providing jobs and contributing to our economic recovery, but are also incorporating environmental stewardship and social responsibility into their businesses. Since taking office in December of 2006, I've recognized 48 such businesses with my monthly "Sustainable North Bay Award." Below are profiles of my 2010 award winners - a remarkable group of entrepreneurs whose vision and innovation are proving that business success and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand. Please accept my best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a healthy and peaceful New Year.
NOW OPEN!!! The Away Station! A Marketplace of Reuse. We are a reuse building materials department located at Fairfax Lumber in Fairfax, California. http://theawaystation.org/ [Ed. Note: where is "away" anyway?]
MARIN COUNTY PARKS AND OPEN SPACE - 680 TRAIL UPDATE - http://www.maringov.org/Depts/PK/Our%20Work/OS%20Main%20Projects/680%20Trail.aspx MCOSD published a new section under Negative Declaration/Initial Study Documents called Results from Mitigations Public Workshop. You will find three documents including: Working Group Notes; Additions to the Mitigation and Monitoring Program; FAQs; Additionally, MCOSD updated Technical eports, adding two documents: Wetland Delineation Report; Wetland Delineation Map. [Ed. Note: but it seems these things just happen by magic!]
OFT-RECALLED BABY CRIBS ARE "OUTLAWED" - Drop side cribs blamed in 32 deaths since 2000. One million cribs recalled since 2005. Check with http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prerel.html Consumer Products Safety Commission. Per The Wall Street Journal.
YES! TEN MOST HOPEFUL STORIES OF 2010 - http://www.yesmagazine.org/whatcounts/archive.html?utm_source=decjan11&utm_medium=yesemail&utm_content=subs&utm_campaign=archive
HON. SUPERVISOR SUSAN ADAMS IS NOW THE PRESDIENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS! Her wonderful 10-page newsletter is now available for January at http://www.co.marin.ca.us/depts/bs/main/sups/sdistr1/newsletterarchive.cfm Don't miss this!
SMART TRAIN.Upcoming Station Area Plans related items include:
- On January 3, the City Council considered the appointment of a new member to the Civic Center Station Area Plan Advisory Committee due to a recent resignation.
- On January 6, the Redevelopment Agency Citizen Advisory Committee met to discuss issues pertaining to the Downtown Station Area Plan.
In case you haven't heard, SMART's initial segment may include Downtown San Rafael after all. Stay tuned during the next few months for more news on this. Here are a couple of articles on the subject, check with the Santa Rosa Press Democrat and Patch.com
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