Thursday, September 30, 2010

The 2010 Great California ShakeOut on 10/21

The 2010 Great California ShakeOut on October 21 is 4 weeks from today, and already more than 5.6 million Californians are registered to participate. If you participated in 2009, we do not automatically assume that you as participating again. This is why we request that you renew your registration each year. If you are not sure if you are registered for 2010, visit to view lists of participants by county or for the entire state.

If you are not listed for 2010, login today to quickly update your information and confirm your participation.Drill Manuals and other resourcesTo help organizations plan their drill, we have created drill manuals for K-12 Schools, Businesses, Non Profits and Other Organizations, and for Government Agencies and Facilities. These can be adapted for use by other organizations as well. Each manual has instructions for multiple levels of drills, from a very basic Drop, Cover, and Hold On drill to a more comprehensive exercise of your disaster plan. Download the manuals from the ShakeOut Resources page, where you can also download posters, flyers, and other materials. "2010 ShakeOut Participant" stickers and more...Schools, community groups, and many other organizations may be interested in our popular new 1" round 2010 ShakeOut Participant stickers (similar to the "I Voted" stickers provided at polling booths). A roll of 500 stickers is $20 plus shipping.

The ShakeOut Shop has been created for ShakeOut participants who are requesting items to commemorate their drills, spread preparedness messages, and encourage others to participate. In addition, your organization can become a ShakeOutShop Affiliate, and receive 10% of every purchase made by people who click a ShakeOut Shop link on your website. This can be a great fundraiser for schools and other groups! Are all your organizations participating?There are 20 categories of organizations for which we provide details for how to participate and also list who is participating in each category.

Are the organizations you are involved in participating? Is your employer, your community group, your church, your child's school, and others? Many groups may never have had earthquake drills or perhaps have no plans for how they will respond and recover. You can make a difference by suggesting to them that an easy first step is to register for the ShakeOut.

We're all in this together...The ShakeOut has grown because of people like you, who see the value of practicing how to protect ourselves and for getting prepared. We have formed the Earthquake Country Alliance to foster an earthquake and tsunami resilient California. If you have similar commitments please join the Alliance.

Thank you for your participation and commitment to earthquake safety!

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