Thursday, September 30, 2010

Climate Challenge Kick-Off Event Saturday 10/9

10/10 Climate Challenge Kick-Off Event is Saturday 10/9 !
A Global Work Party

Sustainable San Rafael will host a 10/10 Climae Challenge Global Work Party on SATURDAY, October 9, walking door-to-door to engage bussinesses and residents in ten practical actions to reduce carbon emissions by ten percent in each of the next ten years.

Gather for a Kick-off Rally at 1:00 Saturday at San Rafael City Plaza to form teams and pick up 10/10 Climate Challenge material for distribution along 4th street or in your own neighborhood.

Then re-convene for a Celebration at 3:00 Saturday at the Plaza to mark the day's work and the commitment of San Rafael and Marin to carbon reduction and a green economy--and to urge everyone to help meet the 10/10 Climate Challenge.

Headlining the Celebration, San Rafael and Transportation Authority of Marin officials will accept the donation of two electric vehicle chargers from the Coulomb Company to begin gearing up public garages for the new generation of zero-emission cars scheduled to arrive at the end of this year.

Representatives from Marin Clean Energy will describe how residents and businesses can now complete the zero-emission circle by plugging their EVs into 100% renewable Deep Green electricity. 60% of Marin's carbon pollution comes from petroleum powered cars and 17% from fossil fuel electricity.

Ten people will each describe a different way that they're reducing their own carbon footprint to meet the 10/10 Challenge. Then the county's Green Business Program will show how businesses can become certifiably green, helping to drive a sustainable Marin economy. Speakers will also highlight the opportunity to join other carbon-reducing work parties happening throughout Marin over the 10/10 weekend.

It's Marin's way of showing that it's possible to reach and surpass the 80% carbon reduction that scientists say is necessary by 2020 to begin to arrest the serious climate changes already taking place.

The event is among thousands of Global Work Parties being organized by, which is building a citizens movement to insist that governments return atmospheric carbon to the 350 parts-per-million needed for a stable global climate. Co-sponsored by Sustainable Marin, Green Sangha, Ecos Circle, San Francisco Electric Vehicle Association, The Marin Youth Center, the Canal Alliance and Crush 23.

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